First Response Plumbing and Drain is proud to sell and service fixtures from high quality Plumbing Product manufacturers:
Our current featured plumbing and heating products.

SuperStor® Ultra (Stainless Steel) Six gallon sizes ranging from 20-119 gallons ,Lifetime Limited warranty

SuperStor® Ultra (Stainless Steel) – Six gallon sizes ranging from 20-119 gallons , Lifetime Limited warranty

Up to 98% AFUE Six models from 80,000 to 399,000 BTUs

Water Heater, Buderus oil fired boiler

Olsen oil fired hot air furnaces, 85% efficiency due to it’s unique heat exchanger design

Water Heater Residential Electric 40 Gallon 4.5 Kilowatt 208/240 Volt Bradford White RE340S6-1NCWW

Water Heater Everlast Residential Electric 40 Gallon 4.5 Kilowatt 240 Volt Stainless Steel 19-1/2 Inch 54-1… HTP EVR040C2X045

Water Filter Atlas 10 Inch Big Clear 1 Inch Bracket & Wrench Atlas Filtri ZA1700721L – Artifacts®

Ensemble™ 60″ x 30″ Vikrell shower base, right drain 72171120-0

Pull-down kitchen sink faucet with three-function sprayhead